Post by fierysue on Mar 20, 2009 21:36:25 GMT -5
Oh I read it just now, and you were right. It was crazy hilarious! I mean, Verdona inducing early labour is just LOL! It was Chibi Hime who wrote that, BTW.
Post by perhapsormaybe on Mar 20, 2009 21:44:32 GMT -5
*laughs* Okay, I was wrong about the author, but I'm glad you still found it. It was just so funny.
So what I'm thinking is that we give everyone the entire month of April to write. The finished stories (one shots are also allowed) would be due May 1st, but they can start before March is over. That gives us time to get the word out and see if other people want to try their hand at it. It would be seperated into humor or serious (unless not many people enter), and your fanfic can only be in one of the contests, but you can have two separate entries. What do you guys think?
Post by Lady Lasa on Mar 20, 2009 21:46:45 GMT -5
Sounds good to me.
Post by fierysue on Mar 20, 2009 21:53:15 GMT -5
SO the contests would be for two months each? Like, if it's April challenge, it'll be announced in March and due in May?
Post by perhapsormaybe on Mar 20, 2009 22:09:47 GMT -5
I think once we take off, we'll probably do them monthly, but for right now, there's not many of us, and there's always people that are too busy to enter, so this time around we're basically all getting a month and a half. The full month of April and part of March (since March is almost over)
Post by fierysue on Mar 20, 2009 22:18:12 GMT -5
Oh. OK! Cliches! I'll try and incorporate as many as possible into my fic...
Post by perhapsormaybe on Mar 20, 2009 22:42:04 GMT -5
Well, there you go. I'm going to do two stories, one for the serious one, one that's humorous.
I'm going to ask that everyone start asking people to join this contest (bigger contests are always more fun, after all!). For example, if you write a new chapter on ff.net, mention the site and the contest. Please?
The only rule I can think of is that voters are required to register here (otherwise the poll won't work. I'm not a big fan of math, and I'm not going to be happy if I have to count votes), and they must have read every fanfiction in the category they're voting for. Also no voting for yourself. That's just tacky.
Post by fierysue on Mar 21, 2009 8:22:57 GMT -5
Err... I may do drama, just because I find Gwevin easier to write drama/angst.
I am an active pursuer of cliches. I think all my Gwevin plot bunnies are cliches. I have no original ideas whatsoever *cries*...
Post by perhapsormaybe on Mar 21, 2009 10:48:16 GMT -5
*laughs* I've used some cliches myself, we're all guilty of at least one at some point in writing. It happens.
Post by cuteinpurple on Mar 21, 2009 23:30:04 GMT -5
So, we have a whole two months to get this done? Cool. I'll get started as soon as I can on a new cliched story! And no one should worry about using cliches, I think they're there to help us writers when we're stuck on an idea! It may be widely known, but it's our jobs to make 'em cool and intresting for readers! I feel so wise.
Post by fierysue on Mar 22, 2009 0:14:26 GMT -5
You should feel wise, cuteinpurple.
What's your name anyway? (I mean, what can we call you? It's kind of tiring writing cuteinpurple all the time.)
Post by fierysue on Mar 22, 2009 0:15:28 GMT -5
Oh, and on a different note, I have a quasi-entry for this competition. I'm not sure whether it'll be done in time though. Check the angst fanfiction topic on the forum!
Post by perhapsormaybe on Mar 22, 2009 13:49:21 GMT -5
Well, that depends...if it's an actual entry, it should be posted on this board, not the "angst fanfiction" board. If you're not sure about entering it, you can go ahead and leave it there.
Post by cuteinpurple on Mar 23, 2009 20:36:59 GMT -5
Well, you can call me Alexa if you want. That's what everyone calls me.